Trace Register, Seattle, Wash., introduced what is said to be the industry’s most advanced food traceability system—Traceability Plus. Trace Register traceability dashboard

Unlike traditional traceability systems that “look backward in time” and are used primarily for record keeping and product recalls, Traceability Plus provides retailers with near real-time monitoring of their supply chain, so they can proactively prevent problems and improve product quality and overall supply chain performance.

Traceability Plus is comprised of three components—digital traceability system, data check module and marketing module.

Digital traceability gives companies at each step in the supply chain the ability to record and share structured data in a confidential and secure way. It also features easy integration with existing systems using a standard Odata service.

Data check automatically monitors and analyzes structured data as it is recorded into the digital traceability system. It has a Rules Editor, enabling users to write the rules against which they want the data to be checked. The Rules Engine runs these rules automatically and the results are displayed in near real time on an easy-to-use dashboard, dramatically improving the efficiency and effectiveness of critical business oversight.

The marketing module enables users to engage and educate audiences on where their food comes from by sharing specific product details such as the exact farmer, fisherman, forager-harvester or food manufacturer who delivered a product to market. Product information can be shared at the point of sale, which a consumer can access by scanning a QR barcode on a smartphone.

Trace Register