Admittedly, Allan Kliger’s entrepreneurial career didn’t start with a dream. Rather, the story of Kliger’s business, Victory’s Kitchen Ltd., Toronto, begins with a challenge.
It could the home fireplace or – given the summertime season – the
backyard fire pit. In either place, the most enjoyable fires have the
right mix of fuel and air for embers that generate a long, slow burn.
Spring is a natural time to keep an eye on things . . . certain indicators, if you will. It might be signs of life from your lawn or garden. Or, like me, you might be looking for signs of life from your fantasy baseball team. Chances are, you’re also watching for any signs of an uptick in the economy.
There are enough opinions, theories and issues behind the story of Pilgrim’s Pride and its mid-February decision to officially “idle” three plants - that the resulting ruckus could be compared to a hen house, complete with flying feathers and lots of squawking.
For a few days, it was the nation’s largest new vehicle showroom. When the Material Handling Industry Association hosted its ProMat 2009 convention this January at Chicago’s McCormick Place, the event gave 300,000 square feet of exhibition space, in part, to new lift truck technologies.
It may be the title of President Barack Obama’s best-selling biography, but “The Audacity of Hope,” also is a phrase that applies to the current state of affairs in the refrigerated and frozen food industry.
Let’s face it: the phrase, “’Tis the season” applies to certain holidays but not certain topics. Forklift safety is a year-around, worldwide concern in any industrial setting, but that’s especially true in private and public cold storage warehouses where workers contend with the rigors of a harsh environment all year.