At the Pilgrim’s Sumter processing facility, GreenGas is building upon existing methane capture capabilities and investment to convert biogas from wastewater streams, upgrading the biogas to pipeline quality RNG.
Combined, FreezPak locations in Carteret and Elizabeth, New Jersey are expected to generate 2,832,900 kWh (kilowatt hours) in their first year of clean electricity generation.
Dairy ingredients account for more than 50% of Ben & Jerry's total greenhouse gas emissions, so the company is focusing on dairy farms as the best opportunity to reduce its carbon footprint.
The alliance also advances Carrier’s broader zero-emission transport refrigeration solutions, with the availability of electric options for trailer, truck, and light commercial vehicle customers before the end of 2022.
The foodservice distribution company’s emissions reduction target aligns with the Paris Agreement and is an integral part of the company’s roadmap to reducing its carbon footprint over the next decade.
For the first time, the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) has published an Activity Report which emphasizes the essential role of refrigeration at the heart of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The oxy-PFBC process generates electricity and heat with zero emissions by economically capturing greenhouse gases created by biomass and fossil fuel combustion.
October 19, 2016
Gas Technology Institute (GTI), Des Plaines, Ill., and NRCan/CanmetENERGY-Ottawa, Canada, unveiled the new oxy-fired pressurized fluidized bed combustion (oxy-PFBC) pilot test facility at CanmetENERGY-Ottawa.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Washington, D.C., launched an improved interactive, online short-term energy outlook (STEO) data browser that provides enhanced capabilities for analysis and visualization of historical and forecasted data.
Sunny Delight Beverages Co., Cincinnati, and Advanced Energy Dynamics, LLC (AED), Bethesda, Md., completed their customized energy savings project, which resulted in a 20% cost savings at Sunny Delight’s South Brunswick, N.J., facility.