Nercon, Oshkosh, Wis., designed a high-throughput Singulator system with Intralox ARB technology. Rollers integrated into the Intralox belting are configured at 0, 30, 45 and 60 degrees in a series of four sections that provide high speed and highly accurate alignment.

Designed to handle random flow and multiple-sized products from five infeed lanes at 300 pieces per minute, the ARB section provides a centering merge, followed by two additional centering sections with speed changes that create gaps to handle the high volume product flow. The last section provides the rail alignment as products exit the system.

Other advantages of this system include:
•    No changeover is required between product sizes.
•    Several product types and sizes can be combined in the Singulator.
•    Requires minimal controls.
•    High speeds and high accuracy (99%)
•    Adaptable to future product additions or product recipe changes.
•    Reduced breakdowns and jams from the open-architecture design and absence of guide rails and gating.

Common applications include spiral out-feed locations, accumulation discharge areas, merges, receiving and descrambling processes. The ARB Singulator is engineered with considerations of rate and product mix to determine the configuration of sections to be used.
