Food processors and service labs who need a fast, accurate test for Listeria can now use the latest BAX System assay from DuPont Nutrition & Health, Wilmington, DuPont BAX listeria test kitDel., to enhance their food protection programs. This next-generation test combines shorter, simpler sample preparation and faster real-time processing, without sacrificing accuracy or reliability.

The DuPont BAX System Real-Time PCR Assay for Genus Listeria detects Listeria in a variety of products and has been validated on frankfurters, cooked shrimp, spinach, queso fresco cheese and environmental surfaces. Furthermore, the assay allows customers to test for both Listeria and Salmonella in the same batch, with results for both organisms in a little over an hour.

The automated system uses leading-edge technology, including PCR assays with tableted reagents and optimized media, to detect Salmonella, Listeria species, Listeria monocytogenes, E. coli O157:H7 and STEC, Campylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio, and yeast and mold. Many of these tests have been certified by AOAC and AFNOR and/or approved by government agencies in the Americas, Asia and Europe.

DuPont Nutrition & Health