As part of its Restock Kroger initiative and to better meet the evolving needs of its Wisconsin and Illinois customers, The Kroger Co., Cincinnati, announced plans to combine the Mariano’s and Roundy’s Wisconsin divisions into a single division with a single leadership team.

The Roundy’s division will continue to operate with two independent markets under one division banner. Mariano’s will continue to offer its Chicagoland customers a leading-edge shopping experience.

Michael Marx, president of Roundy’s Wisconsin, will lead the combined division.

As a result, Don Rosanova, president of Mariano’s, announced his retirement, effective Sept. 29. Rosanova joined Roundy’s in 2002, serving in several leadership roles before taking the helm as Mariano’s president in 2016.

Kroger acquired Roundy's, Inc., Milwaukee, Wis., in November 2015.