Dorner’s new AquaGard 7100 Series stainless-steel table top chain conveyor can twist and turn into the tightest of spaces. Ideal for maximizing available space, the conveyor is engineered to make tight turns and is configured for inclines and declines to provide the ultimate in flexibility.
The innovative design includes powered micro pitch transfer modules and side transfer modules for maximum performance.
Features and benefits include:
• Sleek frame design with long conveyor runs
• Fast belt speeds up to 250 feet per minute
• Superior product transfers
• 300 Series stainless steel
• FDA-approved plastics and stainless steel
• Chain widths in 4.5, 7.5, 10 and 12 inches
• 600-pound load capacity
• Plain bend corners with 24 inches on centerline radius
• Incline/decline modules up to 30 degrees
• Low friction, friction insert and roller top chain options
Dorner Manufacturing