Linde introduces world’s first hygienic IQF tunnel freezer with (patented) rolling-wave action. Ideal for diced poultry, pizza toppings and other high-value IQF products, the high-efficiency CRYOLINE® CW (CRYOWAVE™) freezer delivers significant cost savings versus flighted freezers. It eliminates CO2 snow carryover and improves cleanability. Diced products and other small items tend to clump or stick to traditional belts. Now Linde’s CRYOWAVE technology lets you chill or freeze them at high production rates. The proprietary rolling-wave action gently tumbles layered products and keeps them separate as they freeze. Precise controls minimize fines loss and lock in moisture, shape and quality for higher yield.
– The Linde Group
(800) 755-9277 / www.lindefood.com