LOGISTICS BRIEFS: Fresh and frozen fruit and vegetable processing giantDole Food Co., Westlake Village, Calif., will outsource transportation sourcing activities toTransplace, a third-party transportation and logistics management services provider in Frisco, Texas. . . .Industrial Info Resourcesreported thatSysco Food Services of Detroit, LLC, is expanding its Canton, Mich., distribution center. Sysco expects by 2010 to complete the project which includes a single-story, 71,000-square-foot freezer and temperature-controlled dock. In addition, Sysco reportedly will hadd a self-guided storage and retrieval system to its existing 332,000-square-foot operation. . . . Consumer, foodservice and industrial ingredients supplierACH Food Companies Inc., Memphis, namedTrademark Transportation Inc., St. Paul, Minn., as ACH Food's "2008 Supply Chain Partner of the Year." A national refrigerated and frozen food transportation specialist, Trademark beat out more 100 other carriers for the award. The firm has terminals in Chicago and Minneapolis. . . New Orleans Cold Storagesaid it hiredJim Hendersonas general sales manager.