Innoquest, Inc., Woodstock, Ill., released the patent-pending SpotOn Consistometer, which measures semi-solid food ingredients on the shop floor, thereby bridgingSpot-On Consistometer the gap between analog measurements requiring an experienced operator and a conventional lab-type benchtop texture analyzer.

This portable, hand-held tool can be used to quickly measure the texture of shortening, margarine, butter, cheese, icing, paste, dough, peanut butter and more.  It is ideal for quality assurance, troubleshooting and research and development, and combines precision force, depth and temperature sensors.

Using a precision load cell and non-contact depth sensor, the SpotOn Consistometer simultaneously measures penetration force, penetration depth and temperature of an entire sample, not just the surface. Plus, it displays penetration speed instantaneously, guiding the operator for repeatable results. Data can even be downloaded to a spreadsheet program for analysis and plotting.

Innoquest, Inc.