Multi-Conveyor, Winneconne, Wis., built a 2:1 mild steel-constructed conveyor system that merges over 100 products per minute from two lines into a single line, Multi Conveyor Asynchronous bag conveyornearly doubling the product per minute production rate. Individual baggers deposit on both lines at pre-determined speeds, providing minimum gaps between product in order to complete the vertical merge.

The bags detected on the top conveyor are "injected" into the gaps on the bottom conveyor with the assistance of vacuum-metered belting prior to the merge.

The system is controlled by a Rockwell L71 processor that communicates with Rockwell K6500 servo controllers over Ethernet using CIP motion, and provides feedback on the CIP network to gear the servo axes to the bottom conveyor for both speed and position control.

The entire system consists of six conveyor sections, including incline mat-style belts, plastic belt curves, a grip top belt and three belt servo merge systems that feed into an existing case packer.
