InfinityQS International, Inc., Fairfax, Va., announced updates to its native-cloud quality intelligence platform, Enact. Ongoing, regularly scheduled, quarterly updates are designed to help InfinityQS’ global manufacturing customers further drive process improvements at manufacturing sites and on production lines.

Among the updates now available is Data Stream Grading, a unique way for manufacturers to roll up, interpret performance of and prioritize improvements of critical features. At a glance, users can quickly and easily determine which facility, product or production line needs prioritized attention and then drill down to learn more about the individual processes. Enact automatically analyzes individual data streams to provide a simple letter-number combination that represents both expected and potential yield for each critical feature. These individual stream grades can be rolled up to the part, process and site level, painting a clear picture of overall process performance and potential for improvement. 

Additional updates and enhancements include:
•    Event Codes enable manufacturers to capture a history of an event, including problems, corrective actions and other relevant information to enable faster root cause analysis of issues. Users select from a pre-defined list of event codes, reducing errors, enabling analysis and improving consistency. Notably, users can document multiple causes or actions taken during a process event to accurately capture important details. 

•    Production Assignments act like a production schedule to reduce the number of parts shown to an operator to only those that are currently in production. This eliminates the need to search through a list of all parts and improves operator effectiveness by saving time and reducing errors. Operators can select an active process to display only the parts requiring data collection. If only a single part is running, no selection needs to be made. 

•    The Process Information Tile is an interactive tile that allows users to quickly check and update the status of manufacturing processes. Each process has its own sub-tile within the Process Information Tile with information on the process state, process events, current production assignment(s) and current shift(s). 

•    Data Collection Reporting Chart is designed to give all users the ability to view collected data in a new, prioritized way. This benefits users that need to quickly determine which data collections have been performed, investigate issues and drill down to see the entered values. Users can analyze manual data collections, checklists and automated data collections using different levels such as site, data collection type, data collection name, employee, shift and time.

•    Sub-Process Data Collection ensures proper data collection and analysis of manufacturing processes. Users that have complex processes will save time by reducing the number of selections they need to make. Data collected for sub-processes, such as fill heads, cavities, zones, or lanes can be collected together at the process parent level. Sub-process data collection allows users to collect and analyze data on a wider range of equipment and sampling patterns (e.g., even, odd, etc.).

•    Language Labels are customer-specific translations that enable global manufacturers to translate all custom-named items into English (United States), English (UK), Spanish (Mexico), German or Vietnamese. Names of parts, processes, features, work instructions and other fields are displayed to users in their own language.

InfinityQS International, Inc.