GLOBALMEX International, Inc., Richmond, Va., announced expansions in four greenhouses as well as new acreage committed to the Magic Sun brand grape tomatoes, organic Tomatoes on the Vine (TOV) and organic Beefsteak tomatoes.

“Organic produce continues to grow as a category, and our retail and distributor partners are looking for a longer marketing window and more varieties in the program. As growers, we have to make decisions on our overall manifest and adjust to support our partners’ needs,” says Alejandro Santander, vice president of sales and operations.

The greenhouse expansions will enable Magic Sun to provide a year-round supply of organic TOVs, and introduce an organic Beefsteak. As part of the expansion plans, Magic Sun is also planting over 15 acres of grape tomatoes that will be available for harvest starting in September.

Magic Sun’s high-tech approach to greenhouse growing and its relationship with CEICKOR University, Mexico, provides an opportunity to invest in varietal development and experimental acreage. For the upcoming season, CEICKOR will add acreage to its greenhouse in Queretaro, Mexico, that will concentrate on new varieties and enhancing growing practices in the university and operational greenhouse setting.

“We know that the tomato category is a top revenue driver for retailers. By continuing to work with our partners in offering the most popular varieties and attractive and convenient packaging, we are able to develop customized programs to help our partners continue the positive trend,” says Anthony Otto, Magic Sun sales manager.

Magic Sun is also developing new packaging for conventional and organic tomatoes in clam shells, mesh bags, poly bags and shipper boxes.