To Delkor's Customers, Suppliers and Business Partners,

As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, Delkor has made significant changes to our business which we would like to share with you:

1. A significant number of our employees have transitioned to working remotely and we have fully implemented the workplace protocol recommended by the CDC.

2. A majority of Delkor's customers are core manufacturers of food products, and as such, Delkor has been designated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as workers essential to critical infrastructure during the the COVID-19 pandemic. With many of our customers now operating 24/7 to ensure a safe and secure food supply chain, our team at Delkor has ramped up our operation to support our customers 24/7.

3. Our leadership team is meeting twice a day to ensure we are responding quickly and effectively to this evolving national emergency. 

It is times such as these that working together as a team makes all the difference.


Dale Andersen

Click here for more COVID-19 coverage and how it is affecting the refrigerated and frozen foods industry.