The FoodSafe Area Drain offers a compact solution for facilities with limited floor space, effectively removing standing water at a rapid flow rate of up to 32 GPM.
Upon bidding for a new flooring project at a Chipotle Mexican Grill, Denver, Colo., Western Industrial Technology, Inc. (WIT), Orange, Calif., reached out to Arizona Polymer Flooring (APF), Phoenix, Ariz., for a system that met the restaurant chain’s existing specifications.
When common solutions have involved facility shut-down to replace and repair the flooring system, Net Zero Alliance (NZA), West Des Moines, Iowa, knew there was a better way.
The floor area within a dairy farm or processing plant is subjected to a long list of damaging and deteriorating factors, such as traffic from rubber boots, cattle and forklift trucks, heavy machinery, lactic acid spillages and intense cleaning routines. Despite these challenging conditions, the floor finish needs to provide a clean platform that keeps both food products and employees safe.
The new Oil Eater Tuff Rug from Kafko International, Skokie, Ill., is designed to prevent slips and falls by quickly absorbing oil leaks, dirt and grime.
SaniCrete, Farmington Hills, Mich., introduced SaniCrete SL-Cold, a proprietary blend of additives that allow for cold installations and quick cure down to 38°F.