When it comes to purchase behavior, it’s become clear that consumers care. In fact, the majority (73%) of global consumers say they would definitely or probably change their consumption habits to reduce their impact on the environment. As consumers become increasingly aware of what they put in their bodies, they’re also interested in buying—and sometimes paying more—for products that simultaneously help the environment. In fact, almost half (41%) of consumers from around the world say they’re willing to pay more for products that contain all-natural or organic ingredients.

The report, “Consumers Buy The Change They Wish To See in The World,” produced by Catalina, St. Petersburg, Fla., found that natural and organic ingredients and certifications serve as the entry level point for nearly every market when it comes to sustainability attributes consumers are searching for. From there, it becomes more specific and fragmented.

Natural and organic pave the way for more detailed and specific claims

As companies look to break into new markets, they must understand that each market demands its own approach. In burgeoning sustainability markets, however, natural and organic are paving the way for more detailed and specific claims.