BPI (Beef Products, Inc.), Dakota Dunes, S.D., announced a corporate name change to empirical foods, and re-named its additional companies to empirical technology and empirical innovations.

“For almost four decades, we have dedicated ourselves to building these companies, and we could never have achieved the level of success we have enjoyed without the support and dedication of our family, employees, customers and community. Thanks to all those who have contributed to these accomplishments,” says Eldon and Regina Roth, co-founders.

The new executive leadership team also assumed managerial responsibility, including son, Nick Roth; daughter, Jennifer Letch; and son-in-law, Craig Letch. Effective immediately, Nick Roth will serve as president of empirical innovations, inc. and empirical technology, inc. Craig Letch will serve as president of empirical foods, inc., while Jennifer Letch will serve as an executive officer in each of the newly named empirical companies.

“Nick, Jennifer and Craig have been part of our senior management team for more than 10 years, and we have every confidence that they will lead the companies to new heights in the very near future,” says the Roths’. “Their commitment to and passion for this industry and our community is both refreshing and reassuring.”

“Mom and Dad built these remarkably successful companies through their hard work, determination and the help of many other team members,” adds Nick Roth. “We are excited to have the opportunity to continue in their footsteps and expand upon the creativity that has always been a hallmark of our companies.”

“As we look to the future, we have chosen a new name for the companies that really reflects our core principles of communication, cooperation and innovation,” says Jennifer Letch. “Empirical means ‘proven or verified by experience’ and the empirical process is really what every day is like in this company. As we often say, ‘we know how to do things, because we do things.’”

“While we are probably best known for our lean ground beef, we are also producing fully cooked taco meats, eggs, Bolognese/pasta sauce as well as a line of fresh portioned cuts of beef and pork, and plan to further diversify by bringing consumers new fully cooked meal options in the future,” says Craig Letch.