The Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF), Canada, will play a leading scientific role in the new Atlantic Salmon Research joint venture announced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).

There has never been a body to coordinate work and pool resources from government, university and NGO researchers studying Atlantic salmon. This affects conservation efforts and means fewer wild Atlantic salmon for First Nations and other communities that rely on the species for food and income.

The Atlantic Salmon Research joint venture, managed by DFO, will ensure studies do not overlap, and will prioritize spending to answer pressing questions. This agreement will supplement and extend existing research areas and programs.

ASF will receive $250,000 from DFO to expand its critical sonar and satellite salmon tracking program.

“With the addition of more sensors and another study river, we are moving toward completing a precise map of the entire migration route of Atlantic salmon," says ASF president Bill Taylor. "DFO deserves credit for the action they are taking on Atlantic salmon conservation."

The Atlantic Salmon Research joint venture was formed in response to record low salmon runs in 2014. ASF's tracking program reveals data on predator-prey interactions, preferred depths and water temperatures and the speed and timing of migration to improve the effectiveness of efforts and rebuild populations.

"ASF has earned an excellent international reputation for its science and research programs. This joint venture will coordinate the work of everyone and create more partnerships to ensure conservation decisions are backed up by the best knowledge," says Jonathan Carr, ASF's executive director of research and environment.