In an effort to curtail vaccine hesitancy and promote education across the country, Unilever delivered truckloads of free ice cream to vaccination sites in NYC, LA, St. Louis, Memphis, Dallas-Fort Worth and Phoenix. Unilever representatives handed out treats to to newly vaccinated people, vaccine site workers, and volunteers.

The company selected key vaccination sites where hesitancy is high and plans to extend the program nationally by providing codes for free ice cream (while supplies last) when someone shares their act of service – which can include getting vaccinated – on Twitter with the hashtag #DoGoodWithUnilever. The program is part of the company’s commitment to pandemic relief.

This news comes on the heels of President Biden’s new vaccine strategy announcement and plans to partner with major businesses to help support vaccine education.

Unilever U.S. will be donating over $25 million in goods and services towards pandemic relief bringing the total donation to over $50 million by the end of 2021.