Produce wholesaler Limex SiCar, Mission, Texas, is now operating under the new name and brand SiCar Farms, with the goal of better communicating the diverse commodities and availability it provides as a vertically integrated grower.

“SiCar Farms is a vertically integrated grower/shipper marketing mostly our own products,” says Dan Edmeier, vice president of sales. “We wanted to establish uniformity in our marketing strategy, which more accurately reflects everything we do from planting, harvesting, food safety, sales and distribution and everything in between.”

The Limex SiCar label will continue to be used for limes, but other commodities grown and handled by SiCar will be marketed under the SiCar Farms label. In addition to limes and lemons, SiCar Farms now also grows and markets greenhouse tomatoes, mangos, pineapples, coconuts, papaya and organic offerings.

“Our product expansion of these additional items was the result of numerous requests by our retail customers,” adds Edmeier. “Our farms in Mexico started growing these products on land we own. One of the most frustrating things for a buyer is to be forced to change their supplier midstream, so we can now provide our customers with greater supply year round.”