Online grocery sales more than tripled between 2013-2018, but, between 2018-2023, online grocery sales will more than quadruple, according to “Online Grocery Shopping in the U.S., 2nd Edition,” a report published by Packaged Facts, Rockville, Md.

That’s because online options are becoming more available and consumers are becoming more open to trying online shopping or using online options more frequently.

Most of the market’s growth has occurred since 2016, as e-commerce platforms and conventional grocery stores increased their participation and geographic footprint with expanded service areas.

“Three key factors have created a perfect environment for growth of the online grocery market in the U.S. over the last five years,” says David Sprinkle, research director. “There’s been increased use of mobile phones and smartphones, interfaces for websites and mobile apps have improved, and there’s been a notable expansion of crowdsourced business models to shopping and delivery.”