STAR-K Kosher Certification, Baltimore, Md., partnered with Registrar Corp., Hampton, Va., where Registrar’s clients can explore Kosher certification and existent STAR-K Kosher-certified clients in need of FDA registration.

“We decided we had a lot of synergy, and started sharing tradeshow booths around the world – in France, Spain, Italy, Germany, among other countries,” says Steve Sichel, director of development for STAR-K. “David and I were joint presenters in Thailand. Most recently, on Sept. 23, Registrar Corp., in collaboration with STAR-K and the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, traveled to the Philippines to educate food and beverage industry professionals on regulatory requirements for exporting to the U.S.”

A recent Registrar survey revealed Kosher certification, along with non-GMO and organic certification, is top of its clients’ list of desired additional services for 2020.

“We are excited to offer our clients something they are clearly seeking assistance with via an agency that is highly respected in the booming Kosher industry,” says David Lennarz, president of Registrar Corp. “To be able to give a high-value recommendation or partner just increases the amount of value we can give to our clients. It is a win-win partnership.”

“With this partnership, we are furthering our agency’s mission of promoting Kosher through education, research and supervision,” adds Dr. Avrom Pollak, president of STAR-K. “As thought leaders and education providers, in addition to providing the much-needed services we both offer, STAR-K and Registrar Corp. are a perfect match.”